In 2012, Christie published her debut novel Leave The Wake Behind, a gripping tale of love, loss, and self-transformation with supernatural themes, based around a group of 12 original songs and released with a CD of the original songs (most of which are available for streaming). All copies of the book are currently sold out, however, plans are in motion for a re-edit and release online. Copies are currently available for loan through public library services in Victoria.
In 2011 and 2015, a body of work she researched and compiled on behalf of NGO, Project Respect, was published and later translated into Korean. In 2019, she won first prize for the short story Sand And Locusts, which was published in the Melbourne Writers Social Group Anthology 2019 and ia available to read online through the World Writers Collective Christie Heart | free-stories ( In 2024 she completed her debut children's novel, The Black Lacquer Box, a Magical Realism story for older children and young adults, under the pen name Miranda Lewis. The paperback and eBook versions are about to be released worldwide through For links and more information please read the following page. |